Curse of strahd background
Curse of strahd background

What follows is an introduction to Curse of Strahd which I welcome you to incorporate into your own game if you’d like. I wanted to create a short introduction that was deeper than the “Mists Take You” option, but slightly less in-depth than some of the other opening options in the book. Well, last week I finally got the chance to introduce a few friends to Ravenloft and 5th Edition. It didn’t matter, I wanted to own a copy of this game. Heck, when it came out, I was in my last year of Grad School, and there was zero chance I was running or playing any role-playing game. I actually purchased Curse of Strahd well before I knew I’d even run it. That being said, I haven’t played or run many games yet. The written work in this piece is covered under the Open Gaming License, as I understand it.ĥth Edition is cool, and I wrote about Advantage/Disadvantage a few weeks ago. Images used are owned by Wizards of the Coast: Buy Curse of Strahd from your local gaming store, buy WOTC products, and support their artists and writers. The AD&D Ravenloft books were some of the few I have ever owned, I purchased nearly every 3.0 and 3.5 Ravenloft book that was produced and I ran 2 fairly long campaigns in the world.

curse of strahd background curse of strahd background

To say I’m a huge Ravenloft fan is a slight understatement. I recently started DMing Curse of Strahd, the 5th edition re-introduction to Ravenloft, based on the classic Castle Ravenloft module by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis.

Curse of strahd background